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EUS 4932/EUS 6932: Democracy in the EU After the Lisbon Treaty

Meeting Time: April 2-13, 2012 | 6:15pm-9:10pm
Location: Turlington Hall 3112 (CES Conference Room)
Instructor: Dr. Giovanni Piccirilli, visiting professor (Luiss University, Rome)
Instructor of record: Prof. Amie Kreppel (UF, Political Science)

The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence and the Center for European Studies will once again be hosting a visiting scholar to teach an intensive EU-related course during the spring semester.

This year the visiting scholar will be Giovanni Piccirilli, from the Carl Alberto Luiss University of Rome, and the course will be on Democracy in the European Union. As in previous years the course will culminate in an academic workshop with additional visiting scholars (and potentially interested UF graduate students) presenting work on the slightly more specific topic of Democracy in the EU post-Lisbon.

These courses are unique in that they are taught intensively over the course of two weeks (nine class days plus the workshop). Students usually meet for 3-hour evening sessions (6:00pm-9:00pm) M-F week 1 and M-Th week two with the workshop on the second Friday. In addition, the course can be taken for from 1 to 3 credit hours (with differing assignments and expectations – although all students are expected to participate in the workshop by at least attending it). The course is available to upper division undergrads as well as graduate students. The undergraduate section is 1A66 and the graduate student section is 1A69. Dr Kreppel is listed as the instructor of record in both cases. Most likely the course and workshop will take place in the first two weeks of April (to be confirmed).

The syllabus will be distributed to students by Prof. Kreppel in an initial meeting during the first week of the spring semester. Students are expected to complete the readings in advance and be prepared to discuss them with Prof. Piccirilli once he arrives in Gainesville in April. Students can take the course for 1, 2 or 3 credits at the undergraduate or graduate level:

  • for 1 credit students do all the reading and take a test.
  • for 2 credits students do all the reading take a test and do a short (5-7 page) lit review type paper.
  • for 3 credits students do all the readings, take a test and write a research paper (15-20 pages).

Outline of subjects to be covered (one topic each day):

  1. Introduction. The Title II of the TEU and the democratic principle in the EU
  2. Representative democracy in the EU. Part 1: The role of the European Parliament after the Treaty of Lisbon
  3. Representative democracy in the EU. Part 2: European parties and European politics
  4. Participative democracy in the EU. The citizens’ initiative
  5. Subsidiarity in the EU. National Parliaments and the early warning system on draft legislation
  6. Democracy among the Member States: the Council and the accountability of its members before national Parliaments
  7. Democracy of rights: the Charter of fundamental rights of the EU
  8. Democracy in the EU and financial crisis: European constraints to national budget policies
  9. Democracy in the EU in comparative context
  10. Workshop at end of course open to enrolled students and other scholars

To enroll in the course register with the Executive Director of the Center for European Studies, Jim Robbins, (352) 392-8902 x207.