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EU in the News Forum

The Jean Monnet Center for Excellence at the University of Florida’s “EU in the News Forum” program provides an in depth look at current events in Europe. This program invites experts to our physical or virtual forums to speak on the issues that are happening in Europe today. We hope these forums will foster a vibrant atmosphere of critical thought and respectful discourse.

Registration Link
Video Link
October 16, 2024The Origins of Support for Populism in the EU and the USDaphne Halikiopoulou
University of York
David Macdonald
University of Florida
Pugh Hall OcoraClick Here
April 2, 2024The Ethics of AI, EU and US approaches to the rapidly expanding use of AIAnne-Elisabeth Courrier
Emory University
Jasmine McNealy
University of Florida
Sandra Wachter
University of Oxford
Hin Shaikh
University of Florida
Registration ClosedClick Here
November 13, 2023Understanding Gender Inequality: Views from the EU, US, and UKHolly Dustin
UK Parliament, House of Commons
Danaya Wright
Levin College of Law, University of Florida
Janet Veitch
Independent Equalities Consultant
Ustler Hall AuditoriumClick Here
July 19, 2023New Pact or More of the Same? EU and US Policy on Asylum SeekersAndrew Geddes
Migration Policy Centre
Rebecca Hamlin
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lilian Tsourdi
Maastricht University
Registration ClosedClick Here
February 27, 2023What's Next? The Transatlantic Community in the Aftermath of Russia's AggressionLuke Coffey, Hudson Institute
Zachary Selden, University of Florida
Pugh Hall OcoraClick Here
December 16, 2022Legislating Anti-Racism in the EU and USSharon Austin, University of Florida
Silvia Rodríguez Maeso, University of Coimbra
Karen Taylor, European Network Against Racism
Registration ClosedClick here
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union


Amie Kreppel
Director of Jean Monnet Center of Excellence
3324 Turlington Hall
(352) 294-7148

Erasmus+ Logo and Disclaimer

The European Commission support for this website does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflect the views of the author. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information given.